Two Questions That Give You All the Perspective You Need…
Your answers to these two questions will help you determine if you’re on track to reaching your goals and enable you to make an action plan that will get you there.
Crazy Situation I NEVER thought I’d Be In Until I Breastfed a Toddler; #647957!
Anyone ever had to get brown softened window sealant off their nipple?! Now there’s a question I bet you never thought you’d be asked! My 2-year-old discovered that in warm weather, the window sealant turns soft and squishy, like play dough, so had great...
The Very Messy, Poo-Filled Day…!
Imagine this. Tonight, whilst you’re trying to cook a dinner for your family, whilst also suffering an awful migraine on top of the usual dysautonomia symptoms, the 2 year old does the most mahoosive poo you have ever set eyes on – an impressive mixture of...
Resigning From NCT Teaching
Just finally sent my formal resignation email to the NCT regarding my antenatal teaching 🙁
It took me 5 years of training, attending monthly tutorials, and I only missed FOUR in all that time; 2 because of bad weather and not being able to get off the Island, 1 because I was due to give birth to Dom any day, and 1 because I had just given birth to Dom!