Aug 6, 2016 | Relationships
Romance helps to keep the spark in a relationship! I’m sure you’ll agree, but maybe you feel like you lack an understanding of romance and how to make it happen. Have you tried your hand at romance, but still haven’t quite mastered it? Romance is a topic...
Apr 14, 2016 | Body, Business, Mind, Relationships, Spirit
A well known speaker started off her seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, she asked. “Who would like this $20 bill?” Hands started going up. She said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you – but first, let me do...
Feb 13, 2016 | Children, Mind
“Sixteen infants were monitored while they slept next to their mum’s chest and again when they slept alone in a cot next to her bed. And the study revealed their hearts to be under three times as much stress when they slept alone compared to when they were...
Jun 5, 2013 | Mind, Relationships, Spirit
I’ve just been reading an ebook by Dr Robert Anthony, and in it was a lesson about the Titanic, which I’m going to paraphrase as I think it holds an important message. As you probably know, the Titanic was the largest ship of her time and sank in the Atlantic whilst...