Mar 15, 2019 | Home, Leisure, World
After a pretty cold night, when we woke the next morning there was frost on the ground outside! Ian. B and I got up and dressed, grabbed a coffee to warm us up, plus a bowl of cereal and milk, and left the big boys in bed whilst we went for a stroll up the road to...
Mar 14, 2019 | Home, Leisure, World
It was with a great deal of excitement, and not a little anxiety, that I woke the next morning. I was so looking forward to seeing our house again, and really excited to spend our first night in it! But also, as a parent responsible for keeping 3 children warm and...
Mar 14, 2019 | Leisure, World
Most of our flight to Bulgaria was obscured by thick cloud over the bulk of Europe. But gradually, as we flew over Serbia, the clouds cleared and we could see land. This video is all the stills we took, including some close-ups, plus video footage of some of the...
Mar 13, 2019 | Home, Leisure, World
The journey up to Gatwick was uneventful but we were very unimpressed with the ‘official’ taxi booth there. Booking a taxi through them to get to our Travelodge cost £15, so when we did the return trip back to Gatwick at 4am the following morning, we...
Mar 10, 2019 | Home, Leisure, World
Back home again on the Isle of Wight, and we were keen to get another trip booked as soon as we could! This time we also wanted to take the two older boys to show them the house and give them another foreign holiday too. We hadn’t taken them last time as...