Apr 29, 2018 | Mind, Spirit
Most of us live busy lives. Often, we’re so busy juggling tasks and responsibilities that we forget to take the time to do the things that bring us happiness. Unfortunately, a lack of joy in your daily life can lead to unhappiness, and it can even have long-term...
Apr 10, 2018 | Body, Children, Mind, Relationships
This is by no means a judgement on parents who are alcoholics or addicted in other ways, as they have difficulties which have caused them to become addicts in the first place. But it does also need to be acknowledged that children who grow up in alcoholic homes often...
Mar 2, 2018 | Children, Mind
Building emotionally healthy children is such an important part of being a parent, especially as we’re seeing more and more younger people developing mental health issues like anxiety and depression. And it’s really exhausting and challenging at times too....
Nov 10, 2017 | Body, Children, Mind
This is why it’s so important: A) to do your own healing work before becoming parents B) to be aware of the current research into attachment and children’s brain development, and the parenting practices that both contribute to it and can harm it, and C)...