Jan 2, 2021 | Body, Business, Career, Children, Home, Mind, Money, Relationships
Have you been wondering how you can be SMART when making your New Year’s resolution? Despite the fact that more New Year’s resolutions are broken each year than any other goal, we still look forward to opening that brand new planner and imagining the possibilities...
Nov 16, 2020 | Body, Business
Yes, I know all the advice is to keep work out of the bedroom. But not everyone has that choice. Self-employed people who have just had a baby and may still be recovering from the birth, and who don’t get paid maternity leave. People who have a chronic illness...
Dec 2, 2019 | Body, Business
Trying to build or run an online business has additional challenges when you also suffer from a chronic health condition. Like when you feel you WANT to make some progress on it, but yet again pain or exhaustion have arisen and bitten you on the rear-end (or in the...
May 16, 2019 | Body, Children
When people refer to things like home birth, candles, whale song recordings, or anything else a birthing mother instinctively feels is right for HER, as ‘fluffy, unnecessary stuff’, just show them THIS! Any birth professional worth their salt should know...