This just made my heart melt and my eyes leak a little 😍 This Mother and Son are both beautiful people and are lucky to have each other. Every baby is a precious gift!
As a trained antenatal teacher, we often talked about planning a holiday to Holland but getting diverted to Italy when our babies are born with additional challenges.
Italy is still a beautiful place and the holiday is still exciting and amazing, it’s just not what we planned and the scenery is different. So I love this ‘scenic route’ description ❤
I passionately feel health professionals need to use more awareness about the kind of language they use when dealing with parents and babies who have illnesses, disabilities, special care needs.
They need to start looking at these babies as a beautiful gift to their parents, even if they themselves can only see the condition, and their birth and life should be treated as just as special and precious a moment for the parents. ❤
You won’t be able to breastfeed him they said …
I am so sorry when he was born the Drs said…
He is not like a “normal” child people said…
Your life will be a struggle people think and still say…
Life it’s going to change some of the “specialists” said…
Valentino has Down Syndrome they said…
But what NOBODY tells you…
Welcome and congratulations on the arrival of your precious little boy.
He is here as you wanted, a little piece of your flesh and blood, the same heartbeat you heard and the same legs that kicked inside you…
He is precious so are you for bringing him to this life!
The Route you are about to embark will be the scenic route, the one with bumps, straight roads, high hills, flat landscapes and magical sunsets or incredible sunrises (that’s life anyway right?).
They don’t tell you about the rainbow after a child’s meltdown confirming everything it’s going to be ok!
I got him and he got me!
What else a baby and a child will need if it wasn’t for the love and care from his parents or peers?
Make the most of your life together.
He is a strong little boy, a sensible soul, a wonderful healer, a funny cheeky 4 years old who is learning and seeing life from the most incredible chilled and pure eyes!
He is gorgeous and not because he is my son, but because I don’t define beauty by everyone’s standards but from the ability to love!
So yes, there are times I realise the scenic route takes longer to get from A-Z…
WE ARE HAPPY, BLESSED and PROUD to be his parents!
He is our beloved son and we love him as much as we love his brother.
And the only thing I would like to change is the World to be a better place for him!
7 years Breastfeeding in total 4 to Valentino and counting…and I love it and so does he!
So…Don’t tell me to stop, don’t tell me to change it when you and your books told me he could never do it in the first place!
#theluckyfew #worlddownsyndromemonth #dropthelabel #herockshisextrachromosome
Reposted from a breastfeeding group with kind permission from this amazing Mother, Adela Parzanese Guerrero