The Reality of Life with a Newborn!

The Reality of Life with a Newborn!

I still remember vividly doing ALL this to get ready to take my oldest to be weighed at the Health Clinic when he was a tiny baby. I was finally feeling triumphant and starting to win at this challenging ‘New Mum Game’ as I gently stood up with him in my...
What Happens When You Ignore a Crying Baby

What Happens When You Ignore a Crying Baby

Building emotionally healthy children is such an important part of being a parent, especially as we’re seeing more and more younger people developing mental health issues like anxiety and depression. And it’s really exhausting and challenging at times too....
Parenting in the Early Days!

Parenting in the Early Days!

Parenting Baby B is a little like taking a 10lb + weight and fixing it permanently to your nipple!!! Your boobs are out more than Kim Kardashian’s butt! But your OWN ass is almost constantly welded to a chair, surrounded by everything you might need for the next...
Back to Work With a Two Week Old Baby!

Back to Work With a Two Week Old Baby!

This is how I spend most of my time for the first three months or so with ALL my babies! Benedict was two weeks old in this photo and I was having to express to give him top-ups as he wasn’t gaining weight. [Plus recovering from a 2 litre postpartum haemorrhage...

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