Parenting in the Early Days!

Parenting in the Early Days!

Parenting Baby B is a little like taking a 10lb + weight and fixing it permanently to your nipple!!! Your boobs are out more than Kim Kardashian’s butt! But your OWN ass is almost constantly welded to a chair, surrounded by everything you might need for the next...
How To Handle it When Your Young Child Tells Lies

Top Tips for Preventing Your Young Child Telling Lies

Someone recently asked the following question on children telling lies. “Anyone got any advice in dealing with kids lying to you? My 5.5 yr old keeps telling lies, blaming her sister for things she did etc. I’ve tried talking to her about it and asking why...
Listen to the SOS….

Listen to the SOS….

I’ve just been reading an ebook by Dr Robert Anthony, and in it was a lesson about the Titanic, which I’m going to paraphrase as I think it holds an important message. As you probably know, the Titanic was the largest ship of her time and sank in the Atlantic whilst...

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