The Bulgaria Adventures 4.5: The Day in Manastirishte

The Bulgaria Adventures 4.5: The Day in Manastirishte

Sometime during the night, B did his regular bed swap and it was just as well he did! Because a couple of hours later, he woke up and cried “I need a bucket” before being sick all over himself and our bed, poor little boy 🙁 I called for Ian, who had had to...
The Bulgaria Adventures 4.4: The Big Freeze(r)

The Bulgaria Adventures 4.4: The Big Freeze(r)

The next day B slept till 8am! Ok, so it was 6am UK time, but looking at the time and seeing 8am felt glorious regardless, as it’s often 5 or 6 something on the clock at home! Today, we’d planned for a couple that Ian had befriended and added on Facebook,...
The Bulgaria Adventures 4.1: EasyJet, SchmeezyJet!

The Bulgaria Adventures 4.1: EasyJet, SchmeezyJet!

The next morning I woke up at 1:49am, full of anxiety about missing our flight! And then proceeded to stay awake until the alarm went off at 3am, diddling myself out of another 1 hour 11 minutes of sleep! The taxi to the airport was uneventful (about the only part of...
The Bulgaria Adventures 4.0: September 2019 Visit

The Bulgaria Adventures 4.0: September 2019 Visit

The summer passed and we watched the weather in Gradeshnitsa on our phone apps hit 34 degrees at times!! So we were actually relieved to be in much-cooler England, especially as the Bulgarian house has no livable rooms in the cooler basement until we can get those...

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