3 Easy Ways to Add Joy to Your Daily Routines

3 Easy Ways to Add Joy to Your Daily Routines

Most of us live busy lives. Often, we’re so busy juggling tasks and responsibilities that we forget to take the time to do the things that bring us happiness. Unfortunately, a lack of joy in your daily life can lead to unhappiness, and it can even have long-term...
[Self-Esteem Challenge] Day 5

[Self-Esteem Challenge] Day 5

Wow!!! I’m so excited for you. Today is the FINAL day of the Self-Esteem Challenge. Can you believe it! Today’s final challenge is about a really surprising way to boost your self-esteem AND create really positive relationships. Very few people even THINK about this...
[Self-Esteem Challenge] Day 4

[Self-Esteem Challenge] Day 4

It’s Day 4 of the challenge! Can you believe how far you’ve come? Relationships are really important, right? In fact, I would say that few things are more valuable than good relationships. But when was the last time you took stock of your relationships? It’s not...
[Self-Esteem Challenge] Day 3

[Self-Esteem Challenge] Day 3

It’s time for Day 3 of the Self-Esteem Challenge! Can we talk about the voices in your head? And no, you’re not crazy! 🙂 But every day, you have two voices running through your head. One is REALLY good… …the other is REALLY bad. And here’s the deal: You’ll never...
[Self-Esteem Challenge] Day 2

[Self-Esteem Challenge] Day 2

It’s time for Day 2 of the Self-Esteem Challenge! I’m going to say something that’s a bit controversial: a lot of what your parents and teachers told you is a lie. I know, I know! Sounds crazy right? But I mean it. Specifically, I’m talking about what they told you…...

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