Sep 23, 2019 | Home, Leisure, World
We took it easy on our last full day in the house. We’d worked hard and it WAS supposed to be a holiday too, so we spent the day pottering in the house and garden. Ian was keen to use the new stepladder we’d bought to have a look in the roof spaces of the...
Sep 22, 2019 | Home, Leisure, World
Sometime during the night, B did his regular bed swap and it was just as well he did! Because a couple of hours later, he woke up and cried “I need a bucket” before being sick all over himself and our bed, poor little boy 🙁 I called for Ian, who had had to...
Sep 21, 2019 | Home, Leisure, World
The next day B slept till 8am! Ok, so it was 6am UK time, but looking at the time and seeing 8am felt glorious regardless, as it’s often 5 or 6 something on the clock at home! Today, we’d planned for a couple that Ian had befriended and added on Facebook,...
Sep 20, 2019 | Home, Leisure, World
Another day of trying to get the garden cleared a little bit, AND finding out we weren’t the only Brits in the village (Little Britain reference!). A week or so before our holiday, I’d gone onto Facebook and searched for ‘Gradeshnitsa House’ to...
Sep 19, 2019 | Home, Leisure, World
Clearly, the garden had been rather busy since we last saw it!!! We couldn’t get the gate unlocked either as the key wouldn’t even go in the hole, but luckily, Alexsander showed us how to open the vehicle access gate (which we hadn’t even been aware...