Floral Finance Planner


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Finances in a bit of state?

Not sure where your money goes every week/month?

Tired of working for your money year in year out, but it never working for YOU?

Then our finance planner is definitely for you 🙂

Yes, I know!

Finance planning sounds so boring!

I used to feel the same way, and would rather watch paint dry than plan budgets and look at my finances.

In fact, the very thought of taking a good hard look at my money situation used to give me such anxiety that I just buried my head in the sand.

And the idea that I could do fun things like go abroad was as likely as flying to Neptune!

Until one day, my oldest son brought home a letter from school offering him the fantastic chance of a trip to Italy, for a ridiculously low price of £50!

I had only ever been on holiday abroad myself once before, and my dream had always been to travel the world as an adult, and when I had children, to give them opportunities to travel too.

But I’d always found I never really had enough spare money for such luxuries, so my two children had never been abroad before.

It hit me like a tonne of bricks that it was the school who would be taking my precious child abroad before me, and that THEY would be the ones seeing his face when he took off in a plane for the first time ever.

Not me, his own mother.

I felt I’d missed out on sharing such a special experience in his life.

Then something else hit me!

Yes, it was too late to take him on a flight before the school did, but I COULD still be the first one to take him and his younger brother abroad, as long as I got a handle on my finances.

So my new partner and I started small and researched the cost of a day trip to France on a ferry just before the school trip to Italy, including getting passports organised, and started working out our first ever savings goal to be able to afford it, cutting out unnecessary spending and putting the money saved aside to go towards the trip.

I was determined that *I* was going to be the first one to take my children to another country, not the school!

At first, we thought it would be annoying and we would feel ‘deprived’, but very quickly it became a game, seeing how much money we could save each month from cutting out expenditure that didn’t get us closer to our goal, then trying to beat it the following month.

We were so successful in cutting down and playing the Savings Game, that when we booked and paid for the France trip, we found we had quite a bit extra spare.

So we spontaneously decided that as my son was off to Italy (including a day trip to Venice), we’d look into going as well!

And as I’d always wanted to go to Venice, we thought we’d have a giggle and see just how expensive a short break there would cost, as we’d always believed it to be incredibly expensive to visit.

The flights out were £15 each :O

And we found a cheap hotel for a bargain price too!

So because we’d been taking control of our finances for the last few months, we had enough spare cash to finally make a dream come true and DO IT!!

And that was the start of a game we’ve been playing ever since!

We price up holidays we want to take, create a savings goal for them, then use finance planning, spending trackers, and even savings goal charts that we colour in each month, to keep us focussed and help us achieve them.

So far, we’ve had another trip to Venice, a trip to Paris, two trips to Rome, several trips to Bulgaria, bought a house out there, and even fulfilled a bucket list trip to Cairo, all from taking control of our finances and making the same amount of money actually start working for us.

You can do this too!

Combining monthly budgeting sheets with recurring bills tracker sheets, daily finance tracker sheets and even money goal-setting sheets, our finance planner can help you take control of your finances, and start making YOUR dreams and goals happen, just like we did!

Undated so you can reprint year after year (unlike some budget/finance planners that can only be used once), saving you even more money that you can put towards your dreams, instead of buying a new one over and over each year.

No need to wait till the new year either!

Buy today, start using today!

Just print out the month you need right now!

And unlike pre-printed books, our finance planner saves resources too, because you only print out the pages you want to actually USE, saving paper, ink, and storage space 🙂

For just £6.00, get this beautiful, floral finance planner and start to Love your Money more, right now!

OR, buy our 2021 Life Planner and get this finance planner AND our Meal Planner (worth £5.00) absolutely FREE!


Want access to  EVERYTHING* in our store?! Upgrade to our Love Your Life Platinum Membership Club and get your hands on all* our resources, including journals, courses, kits, worksheets, ebooks, and even music!

*Does not include any of our physical products or the ph360 membership.


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