The Bulgaria Adventures 5.4: The Mattress Measuring Mishap
B woke us up at 6, but by another miracle, he had actually stayed in his own bed again, after an unfortunate mishap of wetting the bed during the night, which was only the second time he’s ever done that.

He may have been anxious about the burglary and this is the way it came out, even though we didn’t really outwardly react negatively to the event and just focussed on getting the practicalities sorted out, it might have still affected him without showing outwardly.

After a breakfast of cereal, I washed the sheets and mattress protector in the outside sink and Ian hung them out to dry in the line.

They were completely dry in a very short space of time!

It was quite windy today, and there was a weather warning too, so we decided we had better bring a lot of the things we’d got used to leaving outdoors back inside.

We walked around the garden perimeter today, exploring the plants and looking to see if we had a natural spring at the top left of the plot as we’d suspected.

Bulgaria is apparently full of natural springs, including hot springs, so we were hopeful that we might be lucky and have one on our land, as when we first visited it when we were buying, we had noticed long irrigation channels down the garden that were quite boggy, despite there being no visible sources of water.

The ground showed signs of moisture such as still green moss and plants that need seasonally damp ground, but no water.

I found some ladies bedstraw so I picked some to dry out.

We also noticed that the young tree next to the outside sink had what appeared to be a single fruit on it, so Ian reached up and picked it, and it turned out to be a peach!

So now we know we have a peach tree in our garden too, which is fantastic as I love peaches!

I prepped a slow cooker dinner for the evening, so it could cook slowly over the next few hours.

We had bread and butter for lunch, with B having the luxury of honey with his, then we had a short stint in the paddling pool again, which was already looking rather manky with dead bugs and dirt, despite our efforts to keep it clean!

It was lovely to enjoy a glass of limoncello with orangeade and ice cubes in, and a beer for Ian, with Jaffa cakes snack, sat in the pool with B!

It felt a little oppressive today so after the pool, I played with B in the cottage back room whilst Ian did some surveys on the balcony.

He then fished out some of our well water, and test it with the kit strips he’d brought.

He also did our tap water.

Then I started off the slow cooker bread dough, which was really easy –– whilst Ian played with B in the back cottage room.

In the hour before dinner, B and I rested on our bed as I was really suffering, then we ate the slow cooker meal which was surprisingly yummy, and I washed up the dish so I could put the risen bread dough in and start cooking it whilst I settled B to bed.

It turned out surprisingly well, considering I’d never thought of baking bread in a slow cooker, and made a nice sized loaf that did us for a few days.

I had a fairly early night as I was physically struggling again.



Photos from today…

Prepping dinner…

Our first home-grown peach!

Water testing

Bulgarian stew!

Slow cooker bread dough


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