How it Feels to Have a Chronic Health Condition Breakthrough!

I asked on a mastermind group I’m part of a couple of weeks ago about setting goals when one has a chronic health condition and they came up with some beautiful suggestions 🙂

Following that post, I set an intention that I was going to open my mind even further to different healing modalities, even though I’m already into alternative and holistic health anyway, but the methods I’ve tried so far hadn’t given any real relief.

I also felt very down and negative about my health (exacerbated by quite severe pregnancy nausea too, which has been hanging on for three months now).

So I dropped down into a bit of a whinge-fest for a couple of days and allowed myself to really FEEL the frustration and loss of health/lifestyle I’ve experienced over the last few years, and let myself truly wallow in how shit it feels sometimes, when I’m usually trying to smile and put a positive face on!

And because I allowed myself permission to feel TRULY negative about it for a change, I suddenly reached a place of positivity and hope for the first time since I became ill.

My mind was then drawn to a book that I’ve had on my shelf and read once years ago, but it didn’t really resonate at the time – “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay.

I picked it up and started reading (bearing in mind that since I became unwell, I’ve been unable to read properly too – hell for a passionate bookworm like me!), and things started to click into place in my mind!

Then I remembered I also had the DVD of the same name, so I watched that! And my goodness, that really resonated with me too!!

I was also sent a Groupon notification about a massive discount on a nutritional therapist training course, and the Universe nudged me (well, screamed at me is probably more accurate!) to sign up, so I did!

And the information I’ve gleaned so far from that is really resonating with me, all about epigenetics and how different genes can get switched on depending on the nutritional and emotional environment within the body, which can lead to different symptoms/health conditions (but more importantly, can also lead the genes to be switched OFF again when you change the nutritional and emotional environment within the body, potentially switching off the symptoms/health conditions too, even genetic ones like mine and my children’s!).

So now I finally KNOW what my goals need to be for the next 5 months or so whilst I finish growing this baby – really dive in and do the work in the book!

This is going to improve the emotional environment of my body and hopefully help switch my ‘symptom genes’ back off again 🙂

And since it can’t do any harm (unlike the pharmacological drugs that are the usual treatment prescribed, and which I’ve so far refused to take since I became unwell, so I get no real relief from the symptoms!), I can ‘treat myself’ whilst pregnant without worrying about causing the baby damage (y)

So NOW I can start creating SMART goals that resonate and actually feel realistic for my current state, such as create 10 healing affirmations that I need to work on, print them out and stick them in places around the house where I will see them several times a day, etc 🙂

I thought I’d share my story because I know that sometimes, we can feel pressured to ALWAYS try to feel positive about the crappy things that happen and then not allow ourselves the space to really grieve and let go, when that might be the very thing we NEED to do first before healing can begin to take place.

It was only when I gave myself permission to actually grieve that the (brain!) fog began to clear at last and I was able to start seeing things that would genuinely help for ME (for instance, I have a strong scientific background and logical mind and although I’ve always felt strongly drawn to the esoteric, I need scientific explanations for WHY they work to be able to ‘get’ them – the epigenetics explanation was one of those Aha moments I needed!).

I’ve kept reading about how I should ‘find the gift’ of my experiences, but then I would mentally beat myself up for not being able to ‘see’ them, even after so many years of feeling unwell!

But I needed to work through the grieving process first to THEN be able to see things differently, and allow my clouded vision to clear enough to be shown the next step along my path, even if I haven’t yet been shown the whole journey yet!

Hope this has helped someone and wishing you all well on YOUR next step of your journeys…

Additional Resources:

I’ve been through these beautiful cards and found ones that resonated with me, keeping them out to read every day and remind myself that I CAN change my thoughts about my health and body 🙂

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