May 16, 2019 | Body, Children
When people refer to things like home birth, candles, whale song recordings, or anything else a birthing mother instinctively feels is right for HER, as ‘fluffy, unnecessary stuff’, just show them THIS! Any birth professional worth their salt should know...
Sep 8, 2017 | Body, Children
This is so well written and completely true! Yes, I am passionate about empowering women to draw on their inner strength and birth in a way that research supports (such as keeping in upright positions as much as possible so that they can work with gravity, being aware...
Jun 27, 2016 | Body, Children
Adapted from Karen Pohlner As a pregnancy progresses and the baby continues to grow, available space within the uterus reduces resulting in less room for the baby to move. The baby’s head eventually becomes heavier than its bottom and under normal circumstances around...
Apr 17, 2016 | Body, Children
By Dr Sarah Buckley © Dr Sarah J Buckley MD 2009 This article may be copied and circulated for personal use and also for use by birth professionals, provided that all information is retained and credited. For permission to translate, publish or post online, please...
Apr 17, 2016 | Body, Children
This is a re-enactment of a real event in a US ER. The one thing that strikes me (apart from the amazing speed of the birth and the lightning quick reaction of the Dr, of course!) is the position this woman is in.  All the research recommends that women stay upright...