Oct 9, 2018 | Home, Leisure, World
The next morning, we woke with a lot of excitement as today was the day we had been waiting for since July and we’d finally be getting to see what we’d bought with our credit card money! There was also a bit of trepidation, after building it up so much in...
Oct 8, 2018 | Home, Leisure, World
After winning the eBay auction, the seller sent us an invoice, which included the winning price, the tax and the legal expenses: 1 Bulgarian Smallholding For sale Farm House :Â 6800.00 2 Notary and legal fees : 441.00 3 State tax (5% of purchase price) : 340.00 TOTAL...
Jul 20, 2018 | Home, Leisure, World
As a cautious, sensible person with quite a lot of anxiety, I don’t tend to do much on impulse. Decisions are often weighed up carefully and the pros and cons examined thoroughly before doing anything, especially when that decision entails parting with a...
May 20, 2018 | Children, Home, World
Wet wipes impact on the environment Wet wipes to be eliminated in the UK Alternatives to wet wipes
Apr 25, 2018 | Home, Money, World
I first discovered the joys of laundry gloop when I was pregnant with my first child, back in 2003, and was starting to look for ways to reduce our household’s exposure to artificial substances that could potentially harm my newborn, plus saving money as I was...