Narcissism Book and Workbook


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Is Your Partner, Your Boss, or a Work Colleague a Narcissist?

Are you always walking on eggshells and never feeling appreciated… no matter what you do?

Narcissists exhibit an unhealthy fixation with themselves to the detriment of others. They lack the ability to have a normal sense of empathy for other people.


This eBook can help you to understand why they act as they do, and what you can do to protect yourself from their selfish behaviour.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a recognised psychological condition. An unfortunate truth is that a narcissist is not the one most affected by their behaviour. It is their ‘loved’ ones who are affected.

A narcissist will not be able to fully contribute to a healthy relationship, and as a result, their behaviour will be toxic to their partner.

  • Is there someone in your life who seems to be able to lie to you, bare-faced, yet leaves you doubting yourself more than them?
  • Have you been promised, over and over, that they will change, yet the same damaging and belittling behaviours are repeated yet again?

Narcissism very often goes undiagnosed, simply because narcissists do not believe that there is anything wrong with their behaviour.

This eBook can help you understand why narcissists function as they do and what you can do to protect yourself – especially your mental and emotional health – from their selfish actions.

You will learn –

  • Why they have been unconsciously drawn to someone with your personality.
  • The cluster of signs that indicates that the person is very likely a narcissist.
  • The different types of narcissists, and the behaviours that define them.
  • If a narcissist can change, and if you can help them to change.
  • The steps you need to take to get your life back after narcissistic abuse.
  • Why narcissists lie so readily and compulsively, and how to protect yourself from their lies.
  • How to protect yourself from their default behaviours including unreasonable accusations, gaslighting, etc.
  • How to deal with a narcissist at work.
  • And much more!

If your life is affected by being involved in some way with a narcissist, you will know the feelings of bewilderment and frustration that come from not understanding how a reasonable, caring person could act the way they do.

Learn how to protect yourself from their actions.

Understanding their motivation and patterns of behaviour will help you make the choices that need to be made to benefit everyone, and especially you.

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