Now that you have some knowledge about the keto diet, what you can eat, and what guidelines to follow, you need to get started.

These tips will help you start the diet in a way that promotes success and helps you transition into a new ketogenic lifestyle.

Remove All Temptations

To start with, remove all of the major temptations in your household. While some people find it easier to make small changes, this leaves room for you to have little cheats here and there, which keep you from ketosis.

In order for the keto diet to work properly, you really need to reach ketosis from the very beginning.

This means getting rid of all bread, rice, pasta, and most grains.

Go through your fruit and veggies and get rid of any of them that are high in sugar and carbs.

Stick with veggies like broccoli, kale, spinach, and cauliflower, as these are still approved by the keto diet.

Choose Only What is On Your Grocery List

When you are first starting out, it is hard to remember what you can and can’t have.

Start by creating a meal plan that includes every single meal and snack you and your family intend to eat for the first week.

Take that meal plan and create a shopping list that is detailed and includes all ingredients you will need.

When you go to the supermarket, you should only be purchasing what is on the list, and nothing more.

This allows you to stick to the diet, but also to get just what you need for the meals you have laid out.

Get Rid of the Cheat Days

Some other diets might give the option to have a cheat day, which is one day a week where you can eat whatever you want.

This might be fine for a typical low-calorie diet, but it does not work well with the keto diet.

You will discover that it is harder for your body to recover from a cheat day, even if you didn’t actually gain any weight from it.

You are going back and forth between ketosis and not, which can be really hard on your digestive system, so it is best to hold off on the cheat days.

If you want to have a little treat every once in a while, that is better than dedicating an entire day to French fries, cookies, and pasta.

Avoid Eating Out in the Beginning

Eating out can be a struggle when you are still transitioning to this new lifestyle.

While you will learn ways to eat out and still be on the keto diet, you might want to hold off for now.

Wait at least a few weeks before you start going out to eat on this diet.


If you’d like to give low-carb a trial-run before committing to the full keto diet, download our free mini recipe collection of keto meals you can make in 10 minutes or less, and see for yourself how tasty the keto diet can actually be!



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